Beyond the Bead

Well, Why not!... I'm a jewelry designer, pyromanic...addicted to working with glass and flame!, Single Mom, Friend... I might as well have a place to add all the random thoughts that go through my head and see if anyone has anything to add!

Friday, March 03, 2006

Hee Hee Hee...another addiction!

Ok, I found a great website while I was "up too late"! You probably all know this already, but there is a great website out there for glass addicts, pyromaniacs, and bead-lovers! Check out it is a fun chat room with lots of great threads. I listed a link to it on the right.
There are some really fun folks there! and they have this great area called RAOK (Random Acts of Kindness) where you can send stuff (beads, supplies, goodies) to other people in the group. I picked out a dozen or so and will send out beads this weekend to see if they like it!

Lots of fun!